Retreat Registration:

Find Joy in Reconnection: Retreat for Women

November 1-3, 2024,
Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia

There is a 3-part registration process.

  1. Submit your completed Registration Form (form below).

    On receipt of your Registration Form, we will email you bank details for payment via direct deposit. All payments are via bank transfer.

  2. Pay $350 Booking fee- non-refundable/non-exchangeable.
    This is a portion of the full Retreat fee- payment required to secure your place- via bank transfer.

    ** You are welcome to pay the entire Retreat fee at the time of paying your booking fee.

    ** When your booking fee is received, we will send you an email confirming your place. Your place is not confirmed until we have received your booking fee.

  3. Pay the balance owing by date on your confirmation email.

Registration Form

We’re excited that you’d love to join us on Retreat.

**Please ensure you have read all TERMS & CONDITIONS and the REFUND & CANCELATION POLICY before registering your place.

Thank you for agreeing to the terms and conditions and submitting this form. I can’t wait to share this sacred time with you. Georgi xx